Monday, November 26, 2012

We Love Pakistan


Ladies and gentlemen,

This topic that I want to talk about, I have always been concerned about the random usage of the term "proud to be a pakistani", " I am a proud pakistani " and I have often wondered at what makes a pakistani proud and why. 

Incidently, islam, the religion as the pakistanis state, that we the majority belong to, disallows the term and its usage related to a muslim. So a muslim cannot show pride in himself or be proud of his heritage, because it breeds ARROGANCE and creates a sense of superiority. Then what makes the pakistani muslim make a statement that he or she is a proud pakistani. Is it because of the follwoing

1. We are the 7th nuclear power state in the world (and only one nuclear power state in muslim world)

2. Pakistan is on 6th with respect of it's population ranking.

3. Pakistan is on 7th in world ranking with respect to it's engineer and scientists.

4. MUAIN ALI NAWAZISH, the one who made a world record with 23 A grades, is a Pakistani.

5. World's second highest mountain K2 is in Pakistan.

6. The world's highest road, the silk (KORAKARAM) highway is in Pakistan.

7. Pakistan is in 2nd with largest salt mines (KHEWRA).

8. World's biggest deep sea port GAWADAR, occurs in Pakistan.

9. SHANDUR POLO tournament, played in Pakistan on the highest polo ground of the world.

10.TARBELA DAM world's largest earth filled dam is in Pakistan.

11.Pakistan is on 5ht in exporting milk.

12.Pakistan export 70% of world's citrus fruit.

13.First programmed virus BRAIN was created by two Pakistani brothers.

14.In 1994 Pakistan hold the world champion titles in CRICKET,HOCKEY,SQUASH and SNOOKER.

15.Pakistan has world's biggest IRRIGATION system.

16.Paksitan has all FOUR seasons.

17.Pakistan has resources of GAS,GOLD,COAL,SALT,PRECIOUS STONES and OIL.

19.The THAR desert is one of the biggest deserts in the world.

20.Pakistan's NORTHERN AREAS are like a paradise.

21.World's ninth highest mountain NAGA PARBAT is in Pakistan.

and I am proud to be a Pakistani because we Pakistani are so FRIENDLY, so HELPFUL, so KIND and so HOSPITABLE.

Pakistan hamari jaan

Pakistan zindabaad

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